2023 Coworking Space Business Trends - Detailed Results
2023 Coworking Space Business Trends - Detailed Results
How have coworking spaces fared economically since the end of the pandemic? What challenges are they facing today? What are their plans and expectations for 2023? And what's the current demand for the services they provide? We answer these five questions in the first report of the 2023 Global Coworking Survey.
Table of contents
Current regional demand for workspace types
Business situation of coworking spaces
Current major problems of coworking spaces
Current impact of corona measures on coworking spaces
Anticipations of coworking space businesses for 2023
Plans of coworking space businesses in 2023
Our main supporters & official supporters
Background & citation notes
Slide examples:
The report contains the following results with charts:
Current regional demand for workspace types
General results
Simplified results
Simplified results compared by:
Year of survey
Number of inhabitants local to a coworking space
Landscape local to a coworking space
Tourist attractions local to a coworking space
Europe & North America
2. Business situation of coworking spaces
General results
& Simplified results compared by:
Year of survey without retrospective questions
Number of inhabitants local to a coworking space
Landscape local to a coworking space
Tourist attractions local to a coworking space
Europe & North America
Year of location opening
Number of locations
Number of members
Number of desks
Size of coworking spaces
3. Current Major Problems of Coworking Spaces
General results
& simplified results compared by:
Year of survey
Number of inhabitants local to a coworking space
Landscape local to a coworking space
Current business situation
Europe & North America
Number of locations
Year of location opening
Number of members
Size of coworking spaces
4. Current Impact of Corona measures
General results
5. Anticipations of Coworking Space Businesses for 2023
General results
& Simplified results compared by:
Year of survey
Number of inhabitants local to a coworking space
Landscape local to a coworking space
Tourist attractions local to a coworking space
Europe & North America
Number of locations
Number of members
Number of desks
Size of coworking spaces
6. Plans of Coworking Space Businesses in 2023
General results
Simplified results
& Simplified results compared by:
Number of inhabitants local to a coworking space
Landscape local to a coworking space
Tourist attractions local to a coworking space
Europe & North America
Number of locations
Number of members
Number of desks
Size of coworking spaces